Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday, April 9th

Today we will begin with class Procedures and Expectations.

Next we will watch an INTERVIEWING Video:

We will conduct our classmate interviews now:
  Using your 10 questions find out about your class mate.  You should elaborate more on the questions.  HAVE A CONVERSATION!

Rationale: We like to tell and hear stories. It drives our communication. When someone asks you what you did today, the best parts of what you share (and what you remember from your day) are the stories. By practicing, you will become a more engaging story teller and a more nuanced communicator.

Objective: Write a focused story of 450 to 600 words about one of your classmates.

Description: I will assign you a classmate (it is better if you aren’t already friends because you can be more objective and unbiased). You will spend parts of a few days interviewing this person.
RUBRIC: Your story will be graded on the following criteria. Please check your work against this before you hand it in.
Stage                                                                                                                                                                              Points
INTERVIEWING (3 points)                                                                                                                          __/3
Interview notes are handed in and are at least a page in length                                                        __/1
During observation, writer’s nonverbal behavior conveys interest in the interview                        __/1
During observation, writer asks follow-up questions that lead to more detailed responses        __/1
WRITING (8 points)                                                                                                                                     __/8
Header is at top left and contains: your name, class, date, interviewee, word count                      __/1
Gives a 3-to-5 word focus statement centered above the story; includes strong verb                   __/2
Within story, that focus statement expands into a full thesis statement within first 4 ’graphs    __/1
Remains focused around the thesis statement from top to bottom of story; trim and fit             __/1
All words (including names) are spelled as they are supposed to be spelled in context                 __/2
Contains at least two direct quotes that are blended into the story                                                   __/1
PLANNING (4 points):                                                                                                                                   __/4
List of B-roll possibilities describes at least eight shots                                                                          __/1
Those shots all match the content of the story                                                                                       __/1
The shots are varied between close ups, medium shots and establishing shots                               __/1
Describes, either in paragraph or list form, at least two possible natural sound opportunities    __/1
Late fee (if applicable)                                                                                                                                             -__/3
TOTAL                                                                                                                                                         __/15
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