Tuesday, May 14, 2013



Your name: ______________________________________________             Date: ______

Broadcast Journalism A
Mudhouse package assignment

Assignment sheet and rubric (15 points)

Rationale: Not every shot fits – even all the cool ones.

Objectives: Plan, write, and edit a news package without needing to go get any of the material yourself. Stick to a focus statement. Learn the editing software without the trouble of cameras. Discern good footage and audio from poor.
Directions: Individually, you will create this news package and complete the work for it in class. All the files you’ll need are  on your computer’s C Drive. Be sure to save your project to the Period 1 folder. Within the Period 1 folder, create another folder called Mudhouse.

Your focus statement is: “It’s too hot for coffee.” The location is a coffee shop in Missouri called “The Mudhouse” in the hot summer month of July.   

About the audio: The package should include nat (natural) sound at least once, no music, and you must use the interviews and stand-ups provided.

Length should fall between :45 and 1:15 TRT (total run time).

Before you move on and do too much editing, you need to hand in the “Planning and Writing” documents below.

RUBRIC: Your Mudhouse news package will be graded on the following criteria. Please check your video against this rubric between every stage of the project. This is an individual project.


Aspect                                                                                                                                                                           Points
PLANNING AND WRITING (5points)                                                                    __/5

Catalog (shot-by-shot description) of the raw footage is typed, complete          __/2
All the sound bites and stand-ups are typed up, word-for-word                           __/1
Your final story is written out, like a script                                                            __/1
The interviews and VOs complement each other and tell a story around the focus statement  __/1

EDITING (10 points)                                                                                               __/10
Absolutely no digital effects (fades, dissolves, graphics, digital transitions); just edits  __/1
B-roll video matches the audio consistently                                                               __/2
Final cut lands between 45 and 75 seconds                                                                __/1
Final cut sticks to the focus statement                                                                        __/1
Natural sound is used appropriately at least once                                                       __/1
The interviews and voice-overs flow together without technical hesitation (no black blips)     __/1
Contains at least two sequences of Wide/Medium/Tight (or Tight/Medium/Wide)                   __/2
Final cut includes at least 15 camershots                                                                              __/1

How do to this:

Step 1: Open Premiere and do the following:
                a. Create a new project, saving it in the C Drive, Period 1 folder
                b. Import the three files: B-roll, Sound Bites, Stand-ups

Step 2: Describe each shot in the B-roll file. List this in a Word document

Step 3: Type out, word-for-word, the Sound Bites and Standups files.

Step 4: Write a script that uses the Sound Bites and Standups. This must stick to the focus statement “It’s too hot for coffee.”

Step 5: Lay out your script (in video) on your sequence in Premiere (on the Video 1 and Audio 1 tracks). Check the length and be sure it lands between 45 and 75 seconds.

Step 6: Find B-roll that matches what the speakers talk about and place it in the Video 2 and Audio 2 tracks.

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