Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interviewing Notes


1.  Show up early, set-up and put mic on chair
2.   Run Mic Up shirt
3.   Reporter should distract and make a connection
4.   Photographer is listening in headphones
5.   Frame up shot:  Eyes on Third, Talking Space/Nose Room, Cam Eye Level,
6.   Photographer gives signal:  Clears Throat... to signal he/she is ready for the interview to start
7.  1st Question is always  State your name and spell it...
8.  Open Ended Questions
9.  Last Question is always "Is there anything else you want to say"
10. Shoot Cut Aways of Hands or Reporter

Copy and paste the following questions and answer them on your blog:

Run and Gun Interviews:

1.  What is a "Run and Gun" interview? When can we use a "Run and Gun" interview?

2.  What is the first thing you should do BEFORE starting off for the interview?

3.  Why do you think we should ask for permission?

4.  Why should we always ask the interviewee to state and spell their names?

5.  Where should we place the microphone?

6.  Should we hand the mic to the interviewee?

7.  The photographer is responsible for the sound levels.  What are two things the photog should be aware of?

8.  COMPOSITION:  How we should frame our interview shot:
a.  Eyes on ___________
b.  2 Eyes One __________
c.  Camera should be Higher, Even, or Lower than subject?
d.  Talking space or ________ Room

9. Avoid shooting in front of  ____________.

10.  Why should we keep signs out of the background?

11.  If we were doing an interview about the high cost of parking at EVHS where would a good place to interview be?

12.  What is a demonstration interview and what are the benefits?

Reading Due Friday

Read in Dotson’s book pages 55 thru 71. Then:
1. What do you find most interesting about what he says on these pages? What stands out as particularly useful to you as a storyteller? (75 words)To answer the rest, you must visit the site for Boyd Huppert’s Land of 10,000 Stories (http://www.kare11.com/news/investigative/extras/stories.aspx). Pick two that look interesting. Watch them. Then, pick one of those and answer the following prompts about it, please:
2. What is the name of the story, and on what date did it first air?
3. List and describe four instances of natural sound.
4. List and describe (including the type and what they are showing) four camera shots that you find interesting.
5. Write a possible focus statement for the story (strong verbs; no “-ing” words)
6. How does this story utilize Dotson’s “Building Blocks” (from Page 68)? Discuss a few of them, please. (100 words)

Friday, May 24, 2013

EXPORT Final Package today

After you have finished your package including Lower Thirds you will export today.

In Premiere go to
Click on the yellow Sequence word
Browse to your folder in Period 1
Name it Your Name Mudhouse Final

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today you will make Lower Third Graphics for the people we see on your package story.

Flash Reporter:  Megan Feldhaus

Mudhouse Worker Girl:  Jenny Grier

Mudhouse Worker Woman in Green:  Julie Hoskins

Mudhouse Customer:  Tom Mattox

Follow the intsructions on this Photoshop tutorial:


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Components of a Broadcast Story

This is how a story is put together.

1st We come up with a Topic:
2nd We decide on a Focus Statement:
3rd:  We Conduct Interviews to get Sound Bites to use in the interview:
4th We Shoot B-Roll to complement the sound bites
5th  We Shoot our stand-up
6th:  We Edit our story together adding Voice Overs as Seques between interviews.

For the Cross Country story we watch in class, describe these 6 steps. 



Your name: ______________________________________________             Date: ______

Broadcast Journalism A
Mudhouse package assignment

Assignment sheet and rubric (15 points)

Rationale: Not every shot fits – even all the cool ones.

Objectives: Plan, write, and edit a news package without needing to go get any of the material yourself. Stick to a focus statement. Learn the editing software without the trouble of cameras. Discern good footage and audio from poor.
Directions: Individually, you will create this news package and complete the work for it in class. All the files you’ll need are  on your computer’s C Drive. Be sure to save your project to the Period 1 folder. Within the Period 1 folder, create another folder called Mudhouse.

Your focus statement is: “It’s too hot for coffee.” The location is a coffee shop in Missouri called “The Mudhouse” in the hot summer month of July.   

About the audio: The package should include nat (natural) sound at least once, no music, and you must use the interviews and stand-ups provided.

Length should fall between :45 and 1:15 TRT (total run time).

Before you move on and do too much editing, you need to hand in the “Planning and Writing” documents below.

RUBRIC: Your Mudhouse news package will be graded on the following criteria. Please check your video against this rubric between every stage of the project. This is an individual project.


Aspect                                                                                                                                                                           Points
PLANNING AND WRITING (5points)                                                                    __/5

Catalog (shot-by-shot description) of the raw footage is typed, complete          __/2
All the sound bites and stand-ups are typed up, word-for-word                           __/1
Your final story is written out, like a script                                                            __/1
The interviews and VOs complement each other and tell a story around the focus statement  __/1

EDITING (10 points)                                                                                               __/10
Absolutely no digital effects (fades, dissolves, graphics, digital transitions); just edits  __/1
B-roll video matches the audio consistently                                                               __/2
Final cut lands between 45 and 75 seconds                                                                __/1
Final cut sticks to the focus statement                                                                        __/1
Natural sound is used appropriately at least once                                                       __/1
The interviews and voice-overs flow together without technical hesitation (no black blips)     __/1
Contains at least two sequences of Wide/Medium/Tight (or Tight/Medium/Wide)                   __/2
Final cut includes at least 15 camershots                                                                              __/1

How do to this:

Step 1: Open Premiere and do the following:
                a. Create a new project, saving it in the C Drive, Period 1 folder
                b. Import the three files: B-roll, Sound Bites, Stand-ups

Step 2: Describe each shot in the B-roll file. List this in a Word document

Step 3: Type out, word-for-word, the Sound Bites and Standups files.

Step 4: Write a script that uses the Sound Bites and Standups. This must stick to the focus statement “It’s too hot for coffee.”

Step 5: Lay out your script (in video) on your sequence in Premiere (on the Video 1 and Audio 1 tracks). Check the length and be sure it lands between 45 and 75 seconds.

Step 6: Find B-roll that matches what the speakers talk about and place it in the Video 2 and Audio 2 tracks.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Friday Assignment

Take a week off from Bob Dotson’s book. This week, we focus on camera shots (follow the link to the list if you need a refresher). Watch both of the videos embedded below.

Then, pick the one you find more interesting. For it, you’re going to write a shot-by-shot account of it (pausing so you can describe each shot). It will take a little while. (You can look at my sample for the Boyd Huppert story we watched in class). On your blog post, give the following information:
Story title:
Total Run Time:
Then, list (and number) each shot in sequence and describe each in 4 to 8 words. For example:
1. Close up of doctor’s hands
2. Medium shot of doctor operating
3. Medium shot of reporter asking question
4. Medium shot of doctor sitting, talking
5. Extra close up of doctor’s new microscope
6. Tracking shot (moving) with doctor while walking

What you noticed overall: Finally, write a summary section of at least 100 words about trends, patterns, similarities, differences or strategies you noticed in the stories (either just in the one you focused on, or between the two). You're looking for overall lessons or takeaways that you can apply to your own video shooting.



Wednesday, May 8, 2013



Watch: Break In  Video

Answer the following questions on your blog:
1.  What is the lead in this story?  Does it intrigue you to keep watching?
2.  What are the 5W's of this story:  Who, What, Where, When, Why
3.   Give an example of the reporters Voice over or seque (Write it down word for word)
4.  When do we see the reporter's stand-up?  Beginning, Middle, or End?
5.  What is the purpose of this reporter's stand-up?

Write in your blog the purposes of stand-ups from the following video:

High School Reporter Stand-Ups Examples

Discuss the purposes of Stand-UPS:

Here are some other examples:
College Reporter Stand Up Examples
Unique Stand-Ups
Stand-Up Fail
Stand-Up Skateboard Fail
Stand-Up ATV Fail
Stand-Up Sled Fail
Stand-Up Robbery Fail

Reporter Stand Up Article


Write and perform 3 Stand-Ups using the following scenarios: (OR TRY YOUR OWN)
$1000 stolen from cafeteria
Accident in school and someone was hurt
Excessive screen time affects students
Improper recyling at EVHS
B2 Stairwell is too crowded
5 minutes not enough time to get from class to class

Monday, May 6, 2013


Read, in Dotson’s book, pages 43 thru 55. Respond to what you read, and use these questions if you get stuck: What strikes you as interesting? In what ways do you agree or disagree with him? How does this fit where you are as a writer, and how will it help you become a better one?
(100 words minimum)

So, Dotson highlights the following:
- How to defeat the TV remote control
- Be conversational
- Gobbledygook and clichés
- Active voice
- Write in threes
- Surprises

Read this story and watch this one (a bit of a sports theme this week). Write two paragraphs (one about each) that explains how the story uses/handles at least three of these aspects. Give specific examples (100 words in each paragraph, so at least 200 total words).

Friday, May 3, 2013


We will plan and shoot our scavenger hunt today.  Before your group can shoot, you must turn in a written summary of what your idea is and a shot list.  (on the back of your white sheet). 

Group Members Names:



Your assignment is to film and edit a creative/humorous piece 2:00 or less.  You must use all of the WALLDO shots at least once if not twice.  

Some Creative Ideas:

·         Music Video

·         Reenact a Movie scene

·         Parody a TV Show

·         Make up a short comedy sketch






















Thursday, May 2, 2013

We will begin by watching a High School broadcast story titled Changing Identity

Answer the following questions on a blog post about the story:

1.  Identify and explain as many WALLDO shots as you can.

2.  What is Natural Sound?

3.  Identify several examples of Natural Sound in this story?

4.  How does Natural Sound enhance the story?

WALLDO Scavengger Hunt

Wednesday, May 1, 2013



We will begin with 20 minutes to read your Make It Memorable book or finish your video.

WALLDO Camera Technique Notes



If you were absent on Tuesday:

Watch a 1 to 2 minute news video from KARE11, WCCOTV, or KSTP

Answer the following 2 questions:

1.  What did you like/notice about the camera shots?

2.  What did you like/notice about the story?