Monday, September 30, 2013

Writing a Story/Package



1.      Find a ________.




2.      Find an __________.




3.     Write a Focus Statement
4.  Collect ________________.






4.      Conduct the ____________.





5.      Organize your _______________.




6.      Write _____________ and ____________ in your story.




7.      Write an _____ and _______.






8.      Collect ___________ (video footage) to add to your story.





Opening Activity 9.30


Go to

Read one of Bob Dotson's stories.

Write 2 Sentence Summary and a 3-5 sentence Response in your blog titled 9.30.13

Sunday, September 29, 2013


PLEASE ADD THESE DATES AND READING TO YOUR PLANNER.  If the schedule says Tuesday 10/1 (Dotson 20-27) you are to read pages 20 to 27 BEFORE class on Tuesday.

Thurs, 9/26
Hand out Dotson Books
READ: (Dotson 9-19)
View “Lives Lost”
Writing a Story Notes

Mon, 9.30 a Story Notes
Topics/Angles:  Review "Lives Lost"
Writing a Story Notes

Tues, 10/1 (Dotson 20-27)
Collect Information
“Cave Rescue”

Wed, 10/2 (Dotson 28-39)
TEST:  6 Criteria of Newsworthiness
             Camera Techniques

Class: Interviewing “Ruby Bridges”

Thur, 10/3 (Dotson 43-52)
Segues “Pearl Harbor”

Fri, 10/4 (Dotson 53-61)
Writing Tips “Atlanta Bombing”

Mon, 10/7 (Dotson 62-70)
Standups, Beginnings and Endings “Boys of Winter”

Tues, 10/8 (Dotson 75-80)
Peer Editing “San Francisco Earthquake”

Wed, 10/9 (Dotson 81-87)
“Susan Smith Trial”

Thur, 10/10 (Dotson 87-101)
“Top Cop”

Tues, 3/8
Bob Dotson Wrap Up
Transition to Package Unit

Thursday, September 26, 2013

3 Suggestions from pages 9-20

Bob Dotson gives us 3 suggestions for making our stories even better.  List and describe what he means by each suggestion.





OPENING ASSIGNMENT: Research the Jonesboro Arkansas school shooting. Write a paragraph about what you learned. Do not copy and paste. Use your own words! Reading Assignment: Pages 9-20 DISCUSS WATCH

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sound Bites/Interview/Conversations: need to talk to people so people can relate, move story along, interesting to viewer. Could the reporter say “1984 is the coolest place in the world” NO don’t make any judgements about your story let your characters put their opinions in the story. Reporter puts in the facts. “1984 has been open for 10 years…” Use the facts in the voice overs… You can say a lot with a very short soundbite. 10 seconds max. How to conduct an interview: Can I have you run the microphone up through your shirt and clip on your shirt. Or over the shoulder. Mics should be heard but not seen. "What is the weather like , having fun, Say your name and spell it for me, Can you tell me why you got into teaching. How is the transition going to be, Any hobbies, How did you get into that, what is the difference," 1.Casually start ________________: find a commonality, don’t chit chat about the story save that for the interview. Break the ice, become their friend. 2.Say Name and __________ ______, what is your role here? What is your title? 3. Reminder: Reporter doesn’t _________ during answers no "UMMS" or "Really" or Laughing 4. Videographer is getting the camera _______ ____ while reporter is breaking the ice. Videographer gives a signal when ready: clear throat. 5.Don’t make subject a part of the _________ 6.Framing: Eyes on __________ always on all shots. OK to cut head off not the chin. 7. Videographer should ____________________ shot framing. MEMORIZE: Eyes on Thirds, Nose Knows, Audio it’s always Audio have head phones , Background, Lighting RIGHT HAND TWO HANDS ACTION REACTION WIDE MEDIUM TIGHT: Left Hand



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Camera Notetaking

Today you will be taking notes on Focus Statements and Camera Techniques 1. What is a Focus Statement? Define 2. Why do we need a Focus Statement? 3. Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence. 4. Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object) 5. What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview? 6. Why is a tripod important? 7. The Tripod is my ___________ 8. Define: Pan 9. Define: Tilt 10. Why are headphones important? 11. Why is it important to TEST YOUR EQUIPMENT BEFORE YOU GO ON SHOOT! 12. Define Wide shot: 13. Why do we need a wide shot? 14. Define Medium shot: 15. Why do we need a medium shot? 16. Define a tight shot. 17. Why do we need a tight shot? 18. What is a sequence? 19. Why do we need a sequence?

Monday, September 9, 2013


Today we will begin by watching the following news story: WCCO Next we will take notes on the Criteria of Newsworthiness Title Definition Example Post on your blog. Which criteria did the "Student Falls to Death" story have? Which criteria did the "Kool-Aid Man" story have? HOMEWORK: Watch 1/2 news show on channel 4,5 or 11 and list and give a 1 sentence description of each story. Also, list each criteria each story fits. DUE FRIDAY

Friday, September 6, 2013


KOOL-AID MAN STORY: Listen and respond to the story with a new post on your blog titled: Kool-Aid Man Story. What made this a good story? What did you like? Dislike? WATCH This KARE 11 Story: INFANT AND This WCCO Story: Rosh Hashanah HANDOUT PACKET: TAKE NOTES ON 6 Criteria of Newsworthiness. Make a new post in your blog titled: Criteria of Newsworthiness Criteria of Newsworthiness # TITLE DEFINITION EXAMPLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What criteria did the Infant story have? Explain. What criteria did the Rosh Hashanah story have? Explain. Have a great weekend!

Thursday Sep 5th

Today we watched a story by Boyd Huppert called J's Farm. If you were absent, please click on this link and watch the story. Creat a new post on your blog titled J's Farm and write a 5 sentence response to the story. What did you like? What intrigued you? Etc.. We also defined Broadcast Journalism. Please get the 1 sentence notes from a neighbor.